Alors j'ai pas mal travaillé en local avec les bots pour mettre au point les binds NS 2.0.
:!: Ces binds sont faits pour des joueurs utilisant les touches q-z-s-d pour se déplacer :!:
Il vous faut donc créer 5 fichiers :
Ces fichiers devront être mis dans le dossier NS.
----------------- Dans le fichier config.cfg, modifiez ceci :
bind "PGDN" "gorge"
bind "PGUP" "alien"
bind "HOME" "marine"
bind "END" "commander"
----------------- Dans le fichier autoexec.cfg -------------------------------
alias w "wait; wait; wait; wait"
alias "marine" "exec marine.cfg; w; say_team ** Marine config loaded "
alias "commander" "exec commander.cfg; w; say_team <<- Commander config loaded ->>"
alias "alien" "exec alien.cfg; w; say_team == Alien config loaded =="
alias "gorge" "impulse 114; w; exec gorge.cfg; w; say_team <-oO GORGE Morphing Oo->
// Donner eqpt/outils et guns
alias "welder" "hotkey88; w; hotkey62; say_team (Tools: Welder at base)"
alias "shotgun" "hotkey88; w; hotkey64; say_team (Guns: Shotgun at base)"
alias "hmg" "hotkey88; w; hotkey65; say_team (Guns: HMG at base)"
alias "glauncher" "hotkey88; w; hotkey66; say_team (Guns: GL at base)"
alias "jetpack" "hotkey88; w; hotkey39; say_team (Eqpt: Jet Pack at base)"
alias "heavyarmor" "hotkey88; w; hotkey38; say_team (Eqpt: HEAVY ARMOR at base)"
alias "ip" "hotkey86; w; hotkey40; say_team Build ->Infantry Portal<-"
alias "factory" "hotkey86; w; hotkey43; say_team Build [Turret Factory]"
alias "armory" "hotkey86; w; hotkey48; say_team Build ((Armory))"
alias "rt" "hotkey86; w; hotkey41; say_team Build []Ressource Tower[]"
alias "turret" "hotkey86; w; hotkey56; say_team Build [Turret]"
alias "armslab" "hotkey87; w; hotkey45; say_team @@ Build [Arms Lab] @@"
alias "radar" "hotkey87; w; hotkey51; say_team @@ Build [Observatory] @@"
alias "pg" "hotkey87; w; hotkey55; say_team @@ Build [Phase Gate] @@"
alias "proto" "hotkey87; w; hotkey46; say_team @@ Build [Prototype Lab] @@"
alias "siege" "hotkey86; w; hotkey57; say_team Build [Siege Cannon]"
// Donner consommables
alias "medpack" "hotkey88; w; hotkey59; say_team ~>Health: MedPack dropped<~"
alias "ammo" "hotkey88; w; hotkey60; say_team ~#Ammo: Ammo dropped#~"
alias "mines" "hotkey88; w; hotkey61; say_team **Mines: Mines dropped"
alias "scanner" "hotkey88; w; hotkey53"
// Recycler le bâtiment
alias "recycle" "hotkey86; w; hotkey69"
----------------- Dans le fichier alien.cfg -------------------------------
// Upgrades aliens
bind "F1" "impulse 101; say_team [Upgrade Def/Carapace]"
bind "F2" "impulse 102; say_team [Upgrade Def/Regeneration]"
bind "F3" "impulse 103; say_team [Upgrade Def/Redemption]"
bind "F4" "impulse 107; say_team [Upgrade Mvt/Celerity]"
bind "F5" "impulse 108; say_team [Upgrade Mvt/Adrenaline]"
bind "F6" "impulse 109; say_team [Upgrade Mvt/Silence]"
bind "F7" "impulse 110; say_team [Upgrade Sens/Cloaking]"
bind "F8" "impulse 111; say_team [Upgrade Sens/Pheromones]"
bind "F9" "impulse 112; say_team [Upgrade Sens/ScentOfFear]"
// Morphing + chargement config alien basique
bind "F10" "impulse 115; w; exec alien.cfg; w; say_team ^^ Lerk Morphing ^^"
bind "F11" "impulse 116; w; exec alien.cfg; w; say_team /* FadE Morphing \"
bind "F12" "impulse 117; w; exec alien.cfg; w; say_team <-oO NOW WE DANCE = ONOS POWAAA Oo->
bind "PAUSE" "impulse 113; w; exec alien.cfg; w; say_team ~~> Back to skulk <~~
// Chargement config selon individu
bind "HOME" "marine"
bind "END" "commander"
bind "PGUP" "alien"
// Morphing Gorge + chargement config gorge
bind "PGDN" "gorge"
// Mise à blanc des binds marines associés
bind "5" ""
bind "6" ""
bind "7" ""
bind "8" ""
bind "9" ""
bind "0" ""
bind "z" ""
bind "g" ""
bind "h" ""
bind "j" ""
bind "k" ""
bind "l" ""
----------------- Dans le fichier gorge.cfg -------------------------------
// Upgrades aliens
bind "F1" "impulse 101; say_team [Upgrade Def/Carapace]"
bind "F2" "impulse 102; say_team [Upgrade Def/Regeneration]"
bind "F3" "impulse 103; say_team [Upgrade Def/Redemption]"
bind "F4" "impulse 107; say_team [Upgrade Mvt/Celerity]"
bind "F5" "impulse 108; say_team [Upgrade Mvt/Adrenaline]"
bind "F6" "impulse 109; say_team [Upgrade Mvt/Silence]"
bind "F7" "impulse 110; say_team [Upgrade Sens/Cloaking]"
bind "F8" "impulse 111; say_team [Upgrade Sens/Pheromones]"
bind "F9" "impulse 112; say_team [Upgrade Sens/ScentOfFear]"
// Binds de construction
bind "5" "impulse 90; say_team /!\Resource Tower going up/!\"
bind "6" "impulse 91; say_team /!\Build Offensive chamber/!\"
bind "7" "impulse 92; say_team /!\Build Defensive chamber/!\"
bind "8" "impulse 94; say_team /!\Build Movement chamber/!\"
bind "9" "impulse 93; say_team /!\Build Sensory chamber/!\"
bind "0" "impulse 95; say_team /!\Hive going up/!\"
// Morphing + chargement config alien basique
bind "F10" "impulse 115; w; exec alien.cfg; w; say_team ^^ Lerk Morphing ^^"
bind "F11" "impulse 116; w; exec alien.cfg; w; say_team / FadE Morphing *\"
bind "F12" "impulse 117; w; exec alien.cfg; w; say_team <-oO NOW WE DANCE = ONOS POWAAA Oo->
bind "PAUSE" "impulse 113; w; exec alien.cfg; w; say_team ~~> Back to skulk <~~
// Chargement config selon individu
bind "HOME" "marine"
bind "END" "commander"
bind "PGUP" "alien"
// Morphing Gorge + chargement config gorge
bind "PGDN" "gorge"
----------------- Dans le fichier marine.cfg -------------------------------
bind "g" "drop"
bind "F1" "impulse 10; say_team [!] need Medpack Commander [!]"
bind "F2" "impulse 11; say_team -> need Amm0 Commander <-"
bind "F3" "impulse 13; say_team ALIEN SPOTTED !"
bind "F4" "impulse 80; say_team COMMANDER ! Need order/Wp ..."
bind "F5" "impulse 81; say_team OK Commander !"
bind "F6" "impulse 8; say_team I'm covering you !"
bind "F7" "impulse 7; say_team Follow me !"
bind "F8" "impulse 15; say_team Area clear !"
bind "F9" "impulse 12; say_team In Position..."
bind "F10" "impulse 9" // Taunt
bind "F11" "say_team /stuck"
bind "F12" "kill; say_team I'm parasited ! Suicide..."
// Mise à blanc des binds aliens associés
bind "5" ""
bind "6" ""
bind "7" ""
bind "8" ""
bind "9" ""
bind "0" ""
bind "PAUSE" ""
// Chargement config selon individu
bind "HOME" "marine"
bind "END" "commander"
bind "PGUP" "alien"
// Morphing Gorge + chargement config gorge
bind "PGDN" "gorge"
----------------- Dans le fichier commander.cfg -------------------------------
bind "g" "drop"
// Donner eqpt/outils et guns
bind "z" "welder"
bind "h" "shotgun"
bind "j" "hmg"
bind "k" "glauncher"
bind "l" "jetpack"
bind ";" "heavyarmor"
bind "F1" "ip"
bind "F2" "factory"
bind "F3" "armory"
bind "F4" "rt"
bind "F5" "turret"
bind "F6" "armslab"
bind "F7" "radar"
bind "F8" "pg"
bind "F9" "proto"
bind "F10" "siege"
// Sélection de tous les marines
bind "F12" "impulse105"
// Donner consommables
bind "6" "medpack"
bind "7" "ammo"
bind "8" "mines"
bind "ENTER" "scanner"
// Recycler le bâtiment
bind "i" "recycle"
// Mise à blanc des binds aliens associés
bind "5" ""
bind "6" ""
bind "7" ""
bind "8" ""
bind "9" ""
bind "0" ""
bind "PAUSE" ""
// Chargement config selon individu
bind "HOME" "marine"
bind "END" "commander"
bind "PGUP" "alien"
// Morphing Gorge + chargement config gorge
bind "PGDN" "gorge"
Il y a ce pendant un problème que je n'arrive pas à résoudre pour le commander. Les binds ne fonctionnent pas alors qu'il s'agit des bons "hotkeys" associés. Si quelqu'un trouve la solution il aura une ration de cornichons gratuits.
Le blocage des keys Commander est dû à l'instruction cl_cmhotkeys "qwerasdfzxcv" dans le config.cfg
Actuellement personne n'a su trouver comment désactiver l'option et activer donc les binds préparés...
Autres binds pour le commander qui fonctionnent :
bind "A" "impulse 123" // recherche le demandeur d'ordre
bind "A" "impulse 124" // recherche le demandeur de munitions
bind "A" "impulse 125" // recherche le demandeur de vie (par défaut la touche de saut)